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Available Online

AI Workforce Prep Seminar

Simple but effective presentation to provide a roadmap to AI utilization and employee value.

1 h 30 min
From 1,000 New Zealand dollars

Service Description

On-site (recommended) or online via zoom. Included: AI Fundamental Understanding - Value Per Person: $600 How AI will effect your industry - Value PP: $400 How all employees can provide increasing value with AI advancement - Value PP: $2000 Explanation of emerging corporate roles for humans as AI advances - Value PP: $2000 Best mindset to take advantage of AI - Value PP: $5000+ Current AI Frontrunners in your industry - Value PP $500 Brainstorming session to identify feasible AI implementations - Value PP: ??? Total Value Per Person: $10,500+ + Potential Profit from New Products & Services All from only $1000 (excl.) for full workforce training

Cancellation Policy

To cancel, please contact us at least 72 hours in advance. To re-schedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance.

Contact Details

  • Auckland, New Zealand

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